People nowadays want everything to be neat, tidy, and uniform, including their yards. We’re told that the grass should be a smooth, green carpet.
But it’s much easier said than done! Everyone knows that if you don’t pull or spray them, “weeds” like dandelions will be the first to appear and ruin your lawn.
Perhaps the real issue here isn’t dandelions at all, but rather our unnatural expectations of what things “should” look like and what constitutes a “weed.”
My grandmother used to enjoy picking dandelions in the fields behind her house. She’d gather them in her apron or a bucket and proceed to create the most amazing things.
Of course, dandelions can have a bitter aftertaste, especially if you aren’t used to them, but with time and a few tweaks, they can be delicious.
When you consider that these “weeds” are high in vitamins A, B, C, and D, as well as minerals like potassium, iron, and zinc, it’s no surprise that our forefathers didn’t need multivitamins!
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Our grandmothers used them in the following ways:
1. Dandelions as food
Consider dandelions in the same way that you would lettuce or spinach. This means you can use them in the following situations:
- Salads (fresh from the yard, but washed).
- Soups or casseroles (fresh or dried).
- Green juices
- Stir fry (chopped up).
2. Dandelion tea
Yes, dandelion tea is available in almost every health food store, but why not learn how to make your own? Both the greens and the root were used by my grandmother. Simply bring a little more than a cup of water to a boil, add about a tablespoon of dried leaves and/or root, and cover and leave to simmer for three minutes. Strain and drizzle with honey. When it comes to honey………..
3. Dandelion honey
This isn’t really honey; it’s more of a syrup. When my grandmother’s honey ran out, she would make this.
Begin by gathering a large bunch (about four cups) of dandelions, roots and all. Place in a pot of boiling water after washing. Allow to boil for 3 minutes before covering and turning off the heat. Allow to soak for the night. Strain out the dandelions and return to the stove over a low flame. Add about a cup of sugar and one lemon’s juice. Allow the pot to sit uncovered for about 30 minutes, or until it reaches a syrup-like consistency. Put it in a glass jar and use it like honey. You won’t believe how delicious this is! Try it on pancakes for a truly unique flavour!
4. Dandelion wine
Isn’t everyone’s favourite? You must try dandelion wine if you want to taste some homemade goodness. You will only need fresh flowers for this recipe, no roots or leaves. Make sure to remove the green little stem at the base of the flower. You only want the yellow petals (nothing green or the wine will be bitter)! There are numerous recipes available online, including this one.
5. Medicinal uses
These small yellow flowering plants have a wide range of medicinal applications:
- Lower blood pressure.
- Calm an upset stomach.
- As a mild laxative.
- Remove warts.
Before they had access to doctors or pharmaceuticals, our forefathers relied on dandelions for many years. If the unthinkable happens, knowing a little bit about this important little plant will come in handy.
Remember that dandelions are a natural diuretic, so if you are already taking diuretics or any other prescription medications, consult your doctor or pharmacist first.
When you pick dandelions greens before they begin to flower, they are at their tenderest and most delicious. Don’t worry if they flower before you pull them! They simply need to be boiled or steamed for a little longer to soften. Alternatively, you can dry the leaves, flowers, and roots for later use.
Finally, if you collect dandelions in the wild or from a neighbor’s yard, make sure you aren’t collecting plants that have been sprayed with pesticides or that have had systemic pesticides applied.